Parma Italian Capital of Culture 2020+21




Parma Italian Capital of Culture 2020+21

Culture is wellness for the community, a vehicle for social and economic development, a place of freedom and democracy, a space and time for inclusion and for individual and community growth. If we stop to reflect on how cultural action can really promote and favor the affirmation of these values, we easily realize how urgent and profitable the investment in culture is. Not a limited contribution to guaranteeing the realization of more or less appreciated activities, but a real investment that presupposes solid planning lines, real monitoring practices and a concrete return that leaves a trace, leaves structures, living methodologies and cultural systems capable of generating, communicating, sustaining themselves. The decision to apply for Parma as the 2020 Italian Capital of Culture rests on this basic idea. It is built around a unitary pole of reflection on the different "times" of the city and bets on the card of inclusion and sustainability.


Parma Ritrovata

A virtual place where you can find and feed the need for culture and sociality, so important in this difficult moment of the country's health emergency.
"Parma Ritrovata" is a portal, active from Wednesday 18 March and for the subsequent weeks of the ordinance, which respond to these heartfelt needs through the contribution and contributions of the entire cultural system of Parma and its Youth Centers, who will thus be able to relate to public and citizens, all together, in a single inclusive space.